To What Extent Can Internal Communication Applications Contribute to the Running of Technoparks?

Internal communication applications play a material part in increasing the efficiency of organizations as they enable end-to-end interaction among employees. But what exact roles can these applications play in technoparks, where access to accurate information is a much more sensitive requirement?

Developments in information and technology have always been and will be of a great importance to mankind in its endless quest to go further and further. Ensuring the continuum of information and confirming its accuracy in various contexts is one of the greatest contributions to humanity in terms of pioneering innovations and even breakthroughs in this field. Nowadays, a considerable part of the work to this end is being carried out in technoparks that are considered as “bases of science and technology”.

In spite of incorporating very powerful initiatives, technoparks that are mostly made up of project-based teams must have strong communication channels enabling all kinds of information sharing – because of these dynamic structures. There is no doubt that digital internal communication applications stand out as the most effective solution to this end. Would you like further information about the advantages of internal communication applications for technoparks?

1. What Kind of Structure Are the Technoparks Based Upon?

As sites where valuable information is converted into scientific and technological deliverables, technoparks represent the key improvement points for all lines of business. Numerous studies from various R&D activities to unique initiative projects are being carried out at these centers housing the academic, economic and social structures together

These centers that are globally referred to not only as technoparks but also as “technocities, science parks, research parks etc.” contribute to the co-development of major organizations such as educational institutions, research institutions, businesses, financial sector and various government agencies by creating synergy. As a result of these collaborations, innovative and creative studies that enable countries to develop are being carried out .

It is beyond any doubt that the most important requirement is that the human resources involved in the projects assume a responsible and cooperative attitude to ensure that the studies carried out in the technoparks result in success. Technopark companies can communicate more actively and powerfully both among themselves and with other companies only through internal communication applications that allow instant interaction!

2. What are the Advantages Brought About by Internal Communication Applications to Technopark Companies and Their Employees?

In technoparks, where numerous companies and employees with different goals are gathered under one roof, information sharing and operational processes must run in a perfectly smooth manner. However, due to the dynamic, variable and complex structure of these centers, a smooth operation can be extremely difficult to achieve in both intercompany and intracompany settings. It is at this point that internal communication applications provide miscellaneous advantages to companies to allow them to strengthen not only their business processes but also the communication among their employees. So, what are these?

2.1. Increasing Employee Motivation

Groundbreaking and also rather long-term studies that will benefit either a certain sector or the entire humanity are being carried out at technoparks. Therefore, it is of capital importance to maintain and increase the motivation of employees involved in these projects. Within this framework, internal communication applications constitute a great advantage in terms of strengthening the bond established by the employees with their companies by sharing ideas about projects and business processes.

2.2. Preparing the Ground for New Connections

As in all other locations and as an advantage of today’s world, opportunities for powerful connections between individuals and companies can be found in science parks that are centers for technology. However, numerous issues and details can be naturally overlooked during these meetings and information exchanges that do not go beyond a cursory level. Digital internal communication applications, on the other hand, allow employees to stay active by allowing closer and continuous communication. And this may have a positive effect on employee motivation.

2.3. Simplifying Operational Processes

Globally, the number of technoparks including incubation centers is about 4 thousand at the moment. Considering that even a single technopark houses numerous companies and employees, these centers may often house a disorganized system. However, thanks to internal communication applications, it is possible to ensure that relevant people have access to updated information at all times. And this gives the upper hand in terms of not only providing information but also managing the existing activity in the most efficient manner.

2.4. Generating an Up-to-Date and Living Database

When it comes to technoparks, it is quite easy to convert scientific information acquired sporadically into an intensive and integrated collection! However, this could only be possible by contacting related persons and obtaining special permits in order to access project breakdowns and checking past records.

Digital internal communication applications allow the generation of an up-to-date and living database as permitted by related companies and authorized persons. This makes it possible to effortlessly access the accurate information required. This database also makes it much easier for employees and company officials to access statistical information and data.

2.5. Getting to Know the Companies Better

Internal communication applications offer a ready-made platform to the management units of technoparks to allow them observe, monitor and control the companies. Thus, it makes it even more convenient to obtain information about the status of employees, the progression of projects and how processes are progressing overall. The fact that authorized persons and employees can easily share comments through these communication applications is also beneficial in providing technopark companies with miscellaneous ideas.

2.6. Preventing Communication Gaps

Thanks to digital internal communication applications, it is possible to access employees at any time and to send them messages and notifications. This also serves to prevent any communication issues that may be experienced. Moreover, these applications enable authorized persons to view whether messages are received by the intended recipient. And thus the communication processes may progress smoothly by ensuring that messages are re-sent to any persons who failed to receive them the first time.

Thanks to all these features of digital internal communication applications, information about natural disasters and epidemics can also be provided instantly 7/24. Thus, it becomes possible to respond to any queries by the employees about the continuity of the work processes without going through a wearisome process.

2.7. Preventing Late Access to and Loss of Information

As widely known, communication in professional life is still mostly carried out by means of e-mails. However, as proven by the experience of many people, e-mails may not always be instantly checked and monitored. On the other hand, the fact that some e-mails by frequent contacts end up as spam may completely disrupt the work process.

Communication gaps that can have substantial negative effects on projects due to these potential issues may lead to various errors and disruptions in the short and long term. Fortunately, thanks to internal communication applications, information can be communicated directly to the relevant people both in general and in specific lines of work.

With a comprehensive internal communication application that you can customize for your technopark organization, you can provide 360-degree interaction opportunities to your companies and employees. Are you interested? If so, discover the world of benefits provided to you by intouch right now!


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